Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Starting to Rebuild!

Tomorrow, myself and some of our leaders will meet with a banker to start the loan process for rennovating our church. This has been a long time coming! There has been a lot of hesitancy with the process moreso with me than with our members. Actually, they've been asking when are we going to get started? What's going on? Why is it taking so long? I'm the one taking long, seeking out godly counsel from others I know who's gone through this process.

Our plan for renovation is to complete project with some financial reserve to cover our monthly note for at least 5 years and provide some finances to operate effectively in ministry. I tell the church all the time, our goals cost but effective ministry really cost, financially. However, every quote that has been submitted exceeds our plan for financial reserve and that makes me nervous. But, we're proceeding with the loan at a set amount and my negotiating skills will be put to the test with contractors, electricians, etc. I've saved my current employer millions of dollars in negotiating deals but this process is much more precious to me so I'm really careful about how I approach it. Nevertheless, I believe God will provide!

A friend of mine, Lamont Bradley, who owns and operates Lord Before Us Productions is sponsoring a summer revival with a two-fold purpose, spiritual and financial support. I'm a little nervous about it only because I've never done or participated in a revival as a fundraiser. He called last year and said he wanted to help us in our endeavor to renovate our church by sponsoring a revival for our church. What an act of kindness and I appreciate it! I'm praying that a spiritual renewal breaks out in our church from this revival more than anything. I said yes and he started working on it. Some of our cities best speakers and singers will be in attendance and I'm looking forward to it.

The revival starts July 30th to Aug. 1st. Here's the line-up:

Wed, Juy 30th - Ladies Night: Speakers: Dr. Susie Jones and Lady Rose Neale - Music provided by G.L.A.C.C - Greater Los Angeles Cathedral Choir, Shari Demby, and Carmen & The Crew.

Thurs, July 31st - Men of Valor: Speakers: Pastor Theo Wilkins and Dr. Charles D Williams - Music provided by Jason Anderson and Errol Gillett and Zyon

Fri, Aug 1st - Youth Night: Speaker: Min. DeSean Horne of Las Vegas, Nevada - Music provided by Kadmile Siler, LA Inner City MAss Choir, and LA Youth Choir of GMWA


This project has consumed much of my thought process. So much so that I've dropped the ball with our Men's and Women's Day Service this Sunday waiting until the last minute to find participants. I'm not even pushing for my Pastor's Anniversary this year because I want us to focus our attention towards renovating and some in-house spiritual cleanup. Plus, if we start construction in September it will continue until January 2009 eliminating our location to have the service. I'm not too keen on asking others for use of building. So, I told the members whatever they wanted to do, if anything, would be fine with me.

Please be praying for our church this is a huge step of faith. But nothing is too hard for God!

1 comment:

  1. Brother Clinton, I want you to know that you are not alone in both the project nor in your fears of this endeavor. I too am feeling the same pinch to complete a total relocation/renovation project, so I will be in prayer with you and I hope you would do the same.

