Friday, September 11, 2009


I remember 9/11 has if it were yesterday. I was at work when Tracy called me; “Babe, did you see what happened?!” I had not a clue and then everyone in the office ran to the lunchroom to turn on the television. When I got in the room everyone was crying uncontrollably. I looked up and there it was planes flying into buildings, people jumping out of windows, news reporters everywhere, fire engines, police, civilians, good Samaritans, buildings collapsing, dust everywhere, people covered with dirt, people running for cover. I was stunned at the chaos taken place in NYC. I had no words, I couldn’t get a prayer out, I sat down in total shock. What’s happening? Is this the end? Has Jesus come back to take us home? This can’t be happening?

The scene of that day is still vivid in my mind as the entire world stayed glued to the television for half the day. People started calling family/friends to see if everybody was safe. Tears flowing, mixed emotions, anger, questions, concerns, fear, heart-break, and a re-focus filled the room of those things that are important in life.

Yes, re-focus!

In life, many of us lose sight of those things that are important and tragedy has a way forcing us to re-focus our attention on the main thing. I challenge you as we remember 9/11 as a country, individuals, and Christians to take this time to think of what’s important by asking yourself:

- If I die tonight, will enter into everlasting peaceful rest with God our Father?
- Am I pursuing my career and ambitions more than developing my relationship with God?
- When was the last time you spoke to God?
- How’s your family life?
- Do you have unforgiveness in your heart?
- Are you allowing your past mistakes dictate your future progress?
- Do you have a church home?
- Are you looking for a church home?
- Are you active in church ministry?
- How do you spend your time and money?
- Have you shared the love of Christ with the un-saved?
- Are accountable to anyone who can ask you tough questions regarding sinful habits?

The point is this, remembering 9/11 is remembering all those who died and those who survived. But also, 9/11 should be a time of re-focus.

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