Monday, May 4, 2009

God's Favor

Last week I had an interesting conversation with someone that upon hearing what was stated made me a little upset. This is what was said; “Clint, you know you’re the joke of Los Angeles?” I entertained the statement, big mistake; “I’m not surprised! What’s the joke?” He proceeds to tell me that he was having a conversation with a prominent pastor in our city and after the service the pastor strikes up a conversation like this (I wasn’t there but I know how we preachers can be sometimes):

“Hey, you know that boy, Smith, over at First Goodwill lead those people into debt to renovate the church with no members.”

At that point, my defense antennas went up!

I maintained my cool on the phone because I wanted to be a good example. But when I hung up the phone…..

During my message, I shared as an illustration my conversation mentioned above with this explanation when God blesses people don’t understand how God can use small things to make a big impact. I also teach our church that being small doesn’t mean we can’t make a big difference in the community and the world.

After service a member came to me and said; “Pastor, I’m glad you finally heard what was being said because I was getting phone calls as soon as we entered back into the sanctuary and it made me mad.” I could see on her face that it troubled her so I tried to encouraged her with these words:

“God’s favor is unexplainable and often times misunderstood but that doesn’t mean it’s not the favor of God on the life of a person and His church. God has blessed us to do something that many have been trying to do for years. Let’s be bigger than our opposition. Let them talk but we keep glorifying God in everything that we do. As Pastor Charles has said on numerous occasions; ‘If we take care of God’s business, God will take care of our business’”.

I don’t know if it helped her or not.

After that conversation my defense antennas went up……AGAIN! But this time, it resulted more in a testimony rather than anger. I felt the need to want to explain our situation as to why we did what we did with limited resources but I’m not going to. Instead, I will explain my understanding and convictions about God’s Favor.

God’s Favor is UNEXPLAINABLE. When discussing the favor of God, it’s always in the context of God’s grace. The core meaning of God’s grace is God giving to us what we don’t deserve. I’ve developed over the last year in a half another definition, God’s grace is unexplainable. That’s why the hymn writer tagged grace as “Amazing”. It’s beyond our comprehension, mental capacity, and understanding. In laymen’s terms, Grace is God blowing our minds. We don’t understand and cannot explain all that God does in our lives. I dare not write trying to explain how God worked out the details for First Goodwill to accomplish a MAJOR project on limited resources. I dare not try to take credit for what God has done. I dare not try to throw God’s favor in the face of others as a means of boasting for fear of God humiliating me with a thorn to prove that His grace is sufficient for us. All I can say is; God is so amazing?

God’s Favor is COSTLY. When Nehemiah heard the news of a destroyed Jerusalem, he started praying. After his prayer, the favor of God was upon his life from start to finish of building the walls of Jerusalem. But it did not come easy. Chapters 1-6 focus on God's work through Nehemiah and the people to rebuild Jerusalem walls. Enemies attacked the people at their many vulnerable places to hinder them from their work. Hopelessness, anger, doubts, intimidation and fears were all targeted to hold this people back. Nehemiah led the people forward into completion of their task of building the kingdom of God.

What God has done in the life of our church did not come easy for us corporately or for me as pastor. It has cost me with criticism and ridicule. I’ve been the talk of the town negatively because of what God has done. I’ve had local pastors, their members, and friends, who seemingly were rejoicing with us behind the scenes tearing us down. I could go on and on about the cost but the underlining principle is be ready for opposition when God favor’s your life and some of our biggest opposition are those closest to us.

God’s Favor is UNDENIABLE. People, places, and things can’t stop what God wants to do through his people. Out of all the obstacles Nehemiah faced, nothing stopped God’s plan to use Nehemiah to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. And, I’ve learned (and still learning) that obstacles and oppositions don’t stop anything it just slows things down for a moment. Praise God!!!!!

Hold the blessing with a open hand. Don’t become stingy, arrogant, prideful, or a bad steward with the blessings of God. Since we re-entered into the church, I’m teaching our church to now be stingy with God’s blessing. We’ve opened our doors for services where a love offering was given that wasn’t a 1/3 of our monthly mortgage. And yet, we have not missed one payment yet as well as all other responsibilities met each month. We’ve allowed local pastors to come in with their leaders and members to see what God did. Not for boasting but for encouragement that a church (no matter how big or small) can dream big and see those dreams come to pass when making God first in all that you do.

God’s favor is FREE of charge. You don’t have to do anything to earn the favor of God. Well, then again, prayer is the only cost (if you don’t pray).

God’s favor is PROGRESSIVE. There have been a number of former members of First Goodwill to come by and visit since we’ve entered into the church. A teenager by the name Alyssa started attending on a consistent basis since December. She enjoys the service, women’s fellowship, and all that we have to offer so much so that she has her mother Marie coming on a weekly basis now who is also a former member of First Goodwill. A couple of weeks ago, I performed a funeral for their grandmother, Sis Caroline Mitchell. I met with the family in preparation for the service and every family member that came in the house started telling me how Alyssa and Marie speak highly of the pastor and the church. It’s obvious because they bring someone with them every other week. A couple who is family members of Pastor Richardson has been attending consistently now since the Sunday after resurrection Sunday. Pastor Richardson’s sister, Vita wouldn’t come to the church of old because it held too many painful memories. But now, she’s attending with her husband and becoming active as well as opening up to the current members. The point is that God allowed His favor to fall upon our church to change lives by changing the scenery and for no other purpose than that.

God’s Favor is Witness to world. God can do anything! In July of 08, my friend Lamont Bradley held a fundraiser for us to raise money for our project. Many people were invited to participate from choirs, churches, and local pastors. Each night I explained to everyone who was present our reasoning and vision. Of course, people didn’t believe that it would happen. As a matter of fact, I hear many comments after the services of pastors who attended doubting that it would ever get done. September construction began and in December we entered our new church. During our grand opening I invited all those who helped us through prayers and financial support to share in what God had done. They were amazed! Comments in summary were “this is a testimony of God’s favor and that you did what you said you said would do”. God’s favor is evident when we follow through with what God has favored us to do. Some of us ruin God’s favor with selfish-motives to succeed for worldly gain. Let our witness stand as such; “God can do anything!”

My friends believe me it has not been easy. We still have our challenges with finances and low membership. But we believe God will take care of every need as long as we keep Him first everything that we do. He’s already proven that. We will keep dreaming big for God because we serve a big God who deserves the best we have to offer Him.

Pray for us that we will keep dreaming big for God to use us in a magnificent way to change lives for His kingdom alone.


  1. Pastor Clint,

    You nor your congregation owe any one an explanation of what God has called you'll to do.

    Thanks be to God for the faithfulness of you and your members. I think the fact that you all were able to do what you did speaks volumn. And yes, Pastor Charles is right, take care of God's business and he'll take care of yours.

    Like my nephew says "You can hate if you want to, but you'll just be wasting your time". He probably got this from one of those rappers :)

    God Bless and keep on keeping on.
