Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sunday Thoughts - 1/31/10

We had a wonderful day of worship Sunday! As well as, we entered into ministry partnership with a sister church in Pastor Reginald Payne and the Full Gospel Baptist Church which holds it's service at 9 am and First Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church services will be at 11:15 am. Sunday was the first official Sunday of two (2) churches worshipping in one building.

I will admit that during our very first pilot service in November that I had mixed emotions as well as many of our church members. Our second pilot service was not so bad, I stayed focused on ministering my church and leading them through the process from the pulpit. This past Sunday was a good for me and the church. The members came ready to worship and I was ready to preach. I will also admit that both myself and Pastor Payne don't have all the answers in this process. We've did our best to think it through as best we can. However, there is grey spots that require continued prayer, thinking, talking, and more praying. No transition is smooth and all transitions takes time.

This is a transition that I've committed to prayer every step of the way for both churches. My prayer is really simple: "Lord, let this partnership be a positive influence (good witness) on both churches, the world, and the Christian community. Just like everything in life, people are watching and hoping this venture fails so they can say those famous words: "See, I told you it wouldn't work!" There is a lot to gain and lose for both churches and we're now in the spot light. I've been hesitant to write or say much about it only because I believe the best thing for both churches is to submit everything we do in believing prayer. This past Saturday we had a combined prayer breakfast with both churches as well as with Praise Chapel that worships in our small building. The prayer breakfast was a success and God blessed the prayers of Pastor Calvary, Pastor Payne, and myself.

All is ask that the members, skeptics, friends, family, pastors, and the Christian community to do is prayer with us and not against us!

Sunday, I preached a pretty heavy message: God's Tips for Women - Proverbs 31:10-31. The message was challenging but I believe the members and our guest were blessed. I'm correcting some typing mistakes but as soon as that's completed I will post the manuscript. In the afternoon, we held our first women's minstry fellowship. I had planned to preach Titus 2:3-5 but Proverbs was still in me so I preached it again and the people were blessed. Thank you God for your word.

I was planning on starting a new series of sermon in 1 John but I think I'll put it off for a couple of weeks or so.

This Sunday was mission Sunday for us and I challenged the church to set aside a special offering to support mission work. Praise God for the positive response. It is our goal and prayer to fulfill the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations by supporting mission work in foreign and inland countries. As a church we're going to sponsor a child through Worldvision as well as join local churches in rebuilding Haiti.

I'm excited for 2010 and expect God to do some wonderful things for us! Please keep us in your prayers.

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