Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Mixed Emotions

Today, I have mixed emotions, I'm excited at what today begins and leads up to as I'm reminded of the death, burial, and resurrection of my Savior. I'm also a little disheartened because this will be the first time in 8 1/2 yrs that I'm not preparing to preach an evangelical message for those who would attend the church I pastored. I love this time of the year in the Christian faith not just because of the preaching moment but because of the rich history surrounding our salvation story.

I also love this time year because of some the great sermons that will be preached throughout this week. Yes, reality has finally set in that I'm not pastoring a church any longer but that doesn't mean I can't share the gospel message via this blog. So this week, it is my goal to share my biblical convictions about the resurrection of our Lord and Savior.

It is this day, Palm Sunday, when Jesus enters into Jerusalem on a donkey as King. People lined up along the streets to witness His arrival laying down palm branches and shouting: " Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!"

Here's an outline of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus:

1. Prophecy Fulfilled - Matthew 21:1-5 Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on this day was spoken of in time past as a prophecy in Zechariah 9:9. This is significant because if the prophesy was not fulfilled then God would be a liar and if God is a liar then everything else about God and our future is a lie. But thank God that God cannot lie.

The King has arrived just as He said He would!

2. A Procession of Humility - Matthew 21:6-7 - Jesus doesn't ride in on a horse but on a donkey. Why a donkey? The bible describes the donkey as the foal of a beast of burden. Riding a donkey for a king was not customary. Kings rode in on horses not a donkey. King's rode in on a horse to signify war but Jesus rode on a donkey to signify peace. In addition, Jesus rode in on a donkey to signify His humility of fulfilling what God called Him to do and because He was carrying the burden of our sins to the cross. Thank God for being humble and a burden carrier.

3. A Praise of Familiar - Matthew 27:8-9 - The people are praising Jesus' entry for all the wrong reasons. The people are praising Jesus because they think He has come to lead a war against the city of Rome. They missed the main purpose of Jesus' coming which was to save of us not lead a war against a city. In our day too many people (Christians and non-Christians) are praising God for all the wrong reasons. They expect Him to lead a war against our enemies (haters) rather than praising God for the salvation to come which leads us to eternal life. Thank God our victory is not in fighting a enemies but in the resurrection of our Savior.

There maybe someone who has read this blog who doesn't know Jesus for yourself, today is a real good day for you to get to know Him. If you're unsaved you don't have to remain that way. Today, receive Christ. If you need assistance into the salvation of the Lord inbox me for the plan of salvation.

"Let the church say Amen, God has spoken, let the church say amen!"

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