This is my first blog. I've followed blog content for the last year or so to determine it's benefits. I must admit that from the content I've read over the last year, blogging is very therapeutic in a sense especially for pastors. However, my express purpose for blogging is evangelistic. This is my attempt to create a line of communication for unsaved people who otherwise will not enter the church for whatever reason to meet a loving God who desires to see them saved. The Great Commission does instruct us to "Go, make disciples of all nations... (Matthew 28:18-20)". Being a bi-vocational pastor affords me the opportunity to share my blog with co-workers and their families. While door-to-door evangelism is an effective means to reach lost people. The internet is even more effective for evangelism because it reaches the world in addition to our immediate surroundings.
While my primary reasoning for blogging is to reach lost people. I, too, want to create an avenue of effective communication for our Christian community to encourage them to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. I'm discovering more and more recently the importance of networking among Christians in the work of the Lord. Ministry is hard work! One person cannot do it all by themselves. Plus, there is encouragement, strength, and knowledge when speaking and/or reading about other ministries who strive for ministry excellence. For instance, my church is faced with many challenges (no opportunities) that I would not have been able to handle, prayerfully, had it not been for prior experiences to reach back and draw from. And when speaking to others in ministry further confirms my need to network with others who experienced some of the same challenges. I told you therapeutic!
So, I pray my blogging efforts will glorify God and edify the church through internet technology to advance the kingdom of God for His glory alone.
Be encouraged for tomorrow will be better than your today.
Welcome to the world of blogging. I look forward to being a regular on this blog. Be blessed!