Friday, March 5, 2010

May I Have This Dance

A few years ago, Tracy and I attended a class for pastors and their wives. The discussion was good and very helpful. One of the topics that came up was the do’s and don’ts for the pastor, here’s one of the don’ts, “Pastors shouldn’t dance!” Immediately everybody started commenting but they were commenting on the holy dance (or the shout). I knew what he was talking about and asked him to clarify what dancing he was talking about and of course it was not “the shout”.

This week, I received a text message from a member of the church asking me, “Is dancing a sin?” The question being asked had to do with dancing at parties, weddings, for leisure, exercise, etc.

Allow me state an objection as well as explain my conviction on the matter:

First, I think we’ve made Christian living entirely too complicated with do’s and don’ts that have no biblical soundness but filled with philosophy and opinions. Therefore, painting a picture of Christian as boring. Being a Christian is not boring. We have our challenges but this lifestyle is refreshing and joyful.

Secondly, my answer to the text message question was this: “Dancing is morally neutral. There’s nothing wrong with dancing in and of itself. However, it’s your motive while dancing that makes it sinful”. Dancing in a seductive way that will entice a people to sin makes dancing a problem for the believer.

The bible speaks of dancing as being a leap for joy (Eccles 3:14, Job 21:11, Isaiah 13:21). It is also symbolic for rejoicing as seen in Psalms 30:11 which says: “You have turned my mourning into dancing”. One of the most popular illustrations for dancing is David in 2 Samuel 6 where he danced out of his clothes before the ark of God rejoicing or shouting (doing his holy dance). Footnote: David got away with dancing out of his clothes but you need to keep your clothes on.

Dancing, biblically, was reserved for religious worship and festivities and the gradually became a practice of common life on occasions of rejoicing as seen in Jeremiah 31:4, “Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt, O virgin of Israel! You shall again be adorned with your tambourines, and shall go forth in the dances of those who rejoice”. The women of scripture danced by themselves and that explains why many times we see women dancing by themselves at functions, it was a biblical practice. As well as, many guys can be jerk when it comes to dancing because they dance with their eyes and not with their legs.

The bible is very clear that dancing is a time of rejoicing. As well, dancing can be very therapeutic to escape the pressures of life. Dancing is a form of exercise to burn calories. Dancing can a time of bonding for married couples (Christians and pastors).

There are many dances that are fun and non-seductive. For instances, I like the Cupid Shuffle, Electric Slide, Macarana, break dancing, pop-lock, the jerk, etc. These dances can be done with a group of people without becoming seductive and sinful. For couples: the Cha-Cha, Salsa, Chicago Stepping, etc are fun and it may help enhance the romance level of your relationship. Many people met their mates dancing somewhere before you got saved so why stop now!

Bottom-line: Dancing is not sinful. It’s what you do with it like anything else makes it sinful.

So dance like David, but keep your clothes on.

Peace and Blessings

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