Monday, May 12, 2008

Missed Opportunity

I remember as if it was yesterday! I was chosen to preach at my home church next Sunday. I had a text that I was already studying. And to prepare, Monday I began to read selected text and context for accurate interpretation. I was riding the bus through Downtown L.A. with my Bible open reading my text. The bus made it's stop at 9th and Broadway. As I looked out the window, there was a man who looked homeless, hungry, and hurting. I thought to myself; "He's not about to get on this bus". And sure enough, he got on the my bus. The bus wasn't that crowded there were plenty of seats in the front and in the back but he decided to sit next to me. I did everything I could to discourage him from taken that seat next to me. It didn't work. He sat down with the smell of bad hygiene and alcohol and the bus started our journey that seem to last a life time. Normally, the bus driver would speed down 9th St but this day he decided to drive like a turtle. It seemed like it took 30 minutes to get to the next stop. It was my hope that my trusty travel companion would not be a trusty travel companion for long. And then it happened, he spoke to me; "What are you reading?" I responded with a bad attitude (I must admit), "The Bible!" "The Bible" he says. "Yes, the Bible", I responded. He began this quest of bad theology 101 and then he proceeded to tell me his life story. In a short time, I learned his profession, educational background, family history, and what caused him to be the position he was in. But none of that really matter to me. I had one thing on my mind, I have to preach this coming Sunday and he was interrupting my devotional time. I never said a word in hope that my silence would silence him but it didn't work, he kept talking.

Finally, my stop had arrived. I gathered all of my stuff with a quickness, pulled the cord, and said; "He excuse me, this is my stop". I got off the bus and it felt like my feet was stuck in cement, I couldn't move. As the bus pulled off, he and I made eye contact and the expression on his face was that of a man needing to know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. At that point it came to me, YOU MISSED AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE CHRIST! Here I am preparing to preach for 100+ people when in fact the best sermon I could have preached that day was to one person who needs Jesus Christ in they're life. I'll never forget that day as long as I live.

Over the years principles were developed to insure that I don't miss opportunities like that again.

First principle, The Soveriegnty of God Presents Opportunities. It is my conviction that God is in control of everything even opportunities to share our faith. God strategically places people in our lives for the express purpose of sharing our faith with them much like He did with the man on my bus ride. We meet people in the grocery line waiting to check out. Often times, we think it's our personality that strikes up a conversation in the express line. Pay close attention, God can be opening a door for you to share your faith that specific person at that specific time.

Second principle, Discernment is Required. To take advantage of opportunities, we need to be aware of the opportunity when it's presented to us. This means, we must be constantly in prayer for the salvation of others. 1 Timothy 2 verses 1-4 says: THEREFORE I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. I must admit, I was not aware of this opportunity and now I can never get it back.

Third principle, Faith is the Key. Faith is trusting God to do His part as we do our part. Evangelism is a partnership between us and God. 1 Corinthians 3:1-6 says (paraphased); "Some plant, others water, but God gives the increase." Take risk for God in sharing your faith, it works.

Remember, tomorrow is brighter than your today.

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